1 使用%符号进行格式
格式字符 | 说明 |
%s | 字符串 (采用str()的显示) |
%r | 字符串 (采用repr()的显示) |
%c | 单个字符 |
%d | 十进制整数 |
%i | 十进制整数 |
%o | 八进制整数 |
%x | 十六进制整数 |
%e | 指数 (基底写为e) |
%E | 指数 (基底写为E) |
%f、%F | 浮点数 |
%g | 指数(e)或浮点数 (根据显示长度) |
%G | 指数(E)或浮点数 (根据显示长度) |
%% | 字符% |
>>> x = 1235
>>> so = "%o" % x
>>> so
>>> sh = "%x" % x
>>> sh
>>> se = "%e" % x
>>> se
>>> "%s" % 65
>>> "%s" % 65333
>>> '%d,%c' % (65, 65)
>>> "%d" % "555"
TypeError: %d format: a number is required, not str
>>> '%s' % [1, 2, 3]
'[1, 2, 3]'
>>> str((1, 2, 3))
'(1, 2, 3)'
>>> str([1, 2, 3])
'[1, 2, 3]'
2 使用format()方法进行字符串格式化
在字符串格式化方法format()中可以使用的格式主要有b(二进制格式)、c(把整数转换成Unicode字符)、d(十进制格式)、o(八进制格式)、x(小写十六进制格式)、X(大写十六进制格式)、e/E(科学计数法格式)、f/F(固定长度的浮点数格式)、%(使用固定长度浮点数显示百分数)。Python 3.6.x开始支持在数字常量的中间位置使用单个下划线作为分隔符来提高数字可读性,相应的,字符串格式化方法format()也提供了对下划线的支持。下面的代码演示了其中的部分用法:
>>> 1/3
>>> '{0:.3f}'.format(1/3)
>>> '{0:%}'.format(3.5)
#Python 3.6.0及更高版本支持
>>> '{0:_},{0:_x}'.format(1000000)
#Python 3.6.0及更高版本支持
>>> '{0:_},{0:_x}'.format(10000000)
>>> print("The number {0:,} in hex is: {0:#x}, in oct is {0:#o}".format(55))
The number 55 in hex is: 0x37, in oct is 0o67
>>> print("The number {0:,} in hex is: {0:x}, the number {1} in oct is {1:o}".format(5555, 55))
The number 5,555 in hex is: 15b3, the number 55 in oct is 67
>>> print("The number {1} in hex is: {1:#x}, the number {0} in oct is {0:#o}".format(5555, 55))
The number 55 in hex is: 0x37, the number 5555 in oct is 0o12663
>>> print("my name is {name}, my age is {age}, and my QQ is {qq}".format(name = "Dong", qq = "1234567", age = 38))
my name is Dong, my age is 38, and my QQ is 1234567
>>> position = (5, 8, 13)
>>> print("X:{0[0]};Y:{0[1]};Z:{0[2]}".format(position))
>>> weather = [("Monday", "rain"), ("Tuesday", "sunny"), ("Wednesday", "sunny"), ("Thursday", "rain"), ("Friday", "Cloudy")]
>>> formatter = "Weather of '{0[0]}' is '{0[1]}'".format
>>> for item in map(formatter, weather):
>>> for item in weather:
Weather of 'Monday' is 'rain'
Weather of 'Tuesday' is 'sunny'
Weather of 'Wednesday' is 'sunny'
Weather of 'Thursday' is 'rain'
Weather of 'Friday' is 'Cloudy'
3 格式化的字符串常量
从Python 3.6.x开始支持一种新的字符串格式化方式,官方叫做Formatted String Literals,其含义与字符串对象的format()方法类似,但形式更加简洁。
>>> name = 'Dong'
>>> age = 39
>>> f'My name is {name}, and I am {age} years old.'
'My name is Dong, and I am 39 years old.'
>>> width = 10
>>> precision = 4
>>> value = 11/3
>>> f'result:{value:{width}.{precision}}'
'result: 3.667'
4 使用Template模板进行格式化
>>> from string import Template
>>> t = Template('My name is ${name}, and is ${age} yeare old.')
>>> d = {'name':'Dong', 'age':39}
>>> t.substitute(d)
'My name is Dong, and is 39 yeare old.'
>>> tt = Template('My name is $name, and is $age yeare old.')
>>> tt.substitute(d)
'My name is Dong, and is 39 yeare old.'
>>> html = '''<html><head>${head}</head><body>${body}</body></html>'''
>>> t = Template(html)
>>> d = {'head':'test', 'body':'This is only a test.'}
>>> t.substitute(d)
'<html><head>test</head><body>This is only a test.</body></html>'