语法 | 功能说明 |
(?P<groupname>) | 为子模式命名 |
(?iLmsux) | 设置匹配标志,可以是几个字母的组合,每个字母含义与编译标志相同 |
(?:...) | 匹配但不捕获该匹配的子表达式 |
(?P=groupname) | 表示在此之前的命名为groupname的子模式 |
(?#...) | 表示注释 |
(?<=…) | 用于正则表达式之前,如果<=后的内容在字符串中不出现则匹配,但不返回<=之后的内容 |
(?=…) | 用于正则表达式之后,如果=后的内容在字符串中出现则匹配,但不返回=之后的内容 |
(?<!...) | 用于正则表达式之前,如果<!后的内容在字符串中不出现则匹配,但不返回<!之后的内容 |
(?!...) | 用于正则表达式之后,如果!后的内容在字符串中不出现则匹配,但不返回!之后的内容 |
>>> import re
>>> m = re.match(r"(?P<first_name>\w+) (?P<last_name>\w+)", "Malcolm Reynolds")
>>> m.group('first_name') #使用命名的子模式
>>> m.group('last_name')
>>> m = re.match(r"(\d+)\.(\d+)", "24.1632")
>>> m.groups() #返回所有匹配的子模式(不包括第0个)
('24', '1632')
>>> m = re.match(r"(?P<first_name>\w+) (?P<last_name>\w+)", "Malcolm Reynolds")
>>> m.groupdict() #以字典形式返回匹配的结果
{'first_name': 'Malcolm', 'last_name': 'Reynolds'}
>>> exampleString = '''There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.
Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch.
Now is better than never.
Although never is often better than right now.'''
>>> pattern = re.compile(r'(?<=\w\s)never(?=\s\w)') #查找不在句子开头和结尾的never
>>> matchResult = pattern.search(exampleString)
>>> matchResult.span()
(172, 177)
>>> pattern = re.compile(r'(?<=\w\s)never') #查找位于句子末尾的单词
>>> matchResult = pattern.search(exampleString)
>>> matchResult.span()
(156, 161)
>>> pattern = re.compile(r'(?:is\s)better(\sthan)') #查找前面是is的better than组合
>>> matchResult = pattern.search(exampleString)
>>> matchResult.span()
(141, 155)
>>> matchResult.group(0) #组0表示整个模式
'is better than'
>>> matchResult.group(1)
' than'
>>> pattern = re.compile(r'\b(?i)n\w+\b') #查找以n或N字母开头的所有单词
>>> index = 0
>>> while True:
matchResult = pattern.search(exampleString, index)
if not matchResult:
print(matchResult.group(0), ':', matchResult.span(0))
index = matchResult.end(0)
not : (92, 95)
Now : (137, 140)
never : (156, 161)
never : (172, 177)
now : (205, 208)
>>> pattern = re.compile(r'(?<!not\s)be\b') #查找前面没有单词not的单词be
>>> index = 0
>>> while True:
matchResult = pattern.search(exampleString, index)
if not matchResult:
print(matchResult.group(0), ':', matchResult.span(0))
index = matchResult.end(0)
be : (13, 15)
>>> exampleString[13:20] #验证一下结果是否正确
'be one-'
>>> pattern = re.compile(r'(\b\w*(?P<f>\w+)(?P=f)\w*\b)') #匹配有连续相同字母的单词
>>> index = 0
>>> while True:
matchResult = pattern.search(exampleString, index)
if not matchResult:
print(matchResult.group(0), ':', matchResult.group(2))
index = matchResult.end(0) + 1
unless : s
better : t
better : t
>>> s = 'aabc abcd abbcd abccd abcdd'
>>> p = re.compile(r'(\b\w*(?P<f>\w+)(?P=f)\w*\b)')
>>> p.findall(s)
[('aabc', 'a'), ('abbcd', 'b'), ('abccd', 'c'), ('abcdd', 'd')]
>>> s = "It's a very good good idea"
>>> re.sub(r'(\b\w+) \1', r'\1', s) #处理连续的重复单词
"It's a very good idea"
>>> re.sub(r'((\w+) )\1', r'\2', s)
"It's a very goodidea"
本文节选自《Python可以这样学》(董付国 著,清华大学出版社),略有增加。